KMA16 / KMA16R
Thank you for purchasing the Kustom KMA16/16R model keyboard/mixer amplifier.
Kustom has listened to musicians throughout the world and stands proudly behind each
and every one we make. It was designed with your needs in mind. Flexible, feature
laden, great sounding, able to adapt to all kinds of music, this amplifier really delivers
what you have been looking and waiting for. Whatever style you choose, it’s ready!
Kustom, with a 30 year tradition of excellence in design, proudly delivers to you this
amp and rewards you with a rugged and dependable amp designed and engineered
in the USA. Again, thank you for your purchase. Please take a few minutes to learn
about all the professional features that are built in.
R E V E R B K E Y B O A R D / M I X E R A M P L I F I E R
1 6 W A T T
11 12
1.) Mic/Line Input Jack 1 - this is a 1/4” 2 conductor input jack for plugging in your instrument. It is
intended for keyboards or Hi-Z microphones but will accept other instruments as well.
2.) Mic/Line Input Jack 2 - this is a 1/4” 2 conductor input jack for plugging in your instrument. It is
intended for keyboards or Hi-Z microphones but will accept other instruments as well.
3.) Volume 1 - this control is the output volume control for the Input #1. Slowly increase the control to
increase the volume. If you are using a keyboard with a preamp, set it’s level for a mid position before
increasing this control otherwise distortion may occur. Both inputs follow the same tone circuit as the
other input.
4.) Volume 2 - this control is the output volume control for the Input #2. Slowly increase the control to
increase the volume. If you are using a high impedance microphone, be careful when increasing the
volume. Depending on mic position, it may feedback if mic is in front of speaker. Both inputs follow the
same tone circuit as the other input.
5.) Low - this control is the bass control. It is active and set to boost or cut frequencies at 55 Hz. This
will effect the low frequency signals. Turning it fully clockwise, the signal is boosted 18 db. Turning it
counterclockwise, the low will be rolled off -18db. Especially good for “cleaning up” preset patches or
making thin patches sound fuller.
6.) Lo Mid - this control is the Low Midrange control. It is active and set to boost or cut frequencies
at 350 Hz. This will effect the mid-low frequency signals. Turning it fully clockwise, the signal is boosted
12 db. Turning it counterclockwise, the low-mids will be rolled off -12db. Especially good for “cleaning
up” preset patches.
7.) Hi Mid - this control is the High Midrange control. It is active and set to boost or cut frequencies
at 2.5KHz. This will effect the mid-high frequency signals. Turning it fully clockwise, the signal is boosted
12 db. Turning it counterclockwise, the low-mids will be rolled off -12db. Increasing this will add punch
to keyboard patches or vocal presence.
8.) High - this is the high frequency tone control. It is active and set to boost or cut frequencies at 8KHz.
This will effect the high frequency signals. Turning it fully clockwise, the signal is boosted 18 db. Turning
it counterclockwise, the low-mids will be rolled off -18db. This will add or subtract the high end shimmer
and clarity.
9.) Reverb Level - (only on the KMA16R). This control adds the spring reverb and mixes it into the
main signal buss. Reverberation creates a trail like effect with the sound. It lets the notes “hang in the
air” longer, extending the sound.
10.) Headphone Jack - this is a 1/4” 3 conductor jack for plugging headphones. It will sum the signal
and put the sound in both ears, thereby creating a pseudo-stereo sound. Volume will be determined
by the volume control on the channel you are on. It will disconnect the internal speaker when plugged
in. This will allow quiet practicing.
11.) Jewel Light - this jewel light lets you know that the amplifier is on.
12.) Power - this switch turns on and off the AC power to the amp.
Back Panel - this is a 2 conductor 1/4” speaker output jack. This will disconnect the internal speaker
and allow an external speaker cabinet to be employed. Rating is 8 ohms.
Suggested Settings
(These settings are general starting points. They
are designed to get you close to the sound you are
looking for. If the control is not shown, then it doesn’t
apply to this particular sound. )
Standard Dual Instrument Setup - in this setup two keyboards or instruments are
plugged into Inputs 1 & 2. (Remember, if you are using pre-amplified keyboards or a
drum machine, we suggest that you turn their output levels to about mid way up and this
will give you a cleaner sound as well as giving you available headroom for leads.) You
can also plug in any combination of keyboards, microphones or guitars. The two guitar
setup is especially useful for teaching studios.
Of course, you can adjust the tone controls to any desired sound but in this setup, we
suggest these tone control settings. It will deliver a clear, clean sound that has enough
top end clarity to cut through. Add low and low mid for a beefier presence but be careful
as this can “muddy up” the sound.
If you have the KMA16R, adjust the reverb to suit the music or to your taste.
Standard Dual Microphone Setup - in this setup two Hi-Z microphones are
plugged into Inputs 1 & 2. This is a basic mini-PA system. This can be also be used for
plugging in a CD player or cassette decks and a microphone for karaoke, teaching
studios, small public address or even DJ work. It can be used for singing over prerecorded
tapes with mixing capabilities.
As mentioned earlier, you can adjust the tone controls to any desired sound but in this
setup, we suggest these tone control settings. Of course it depends on the listening
environment. It will deliver a clear, clean sound that has enough top end clarity to let the
voices cut through.
If you have the KMA16R, adjust the reverb to suit the music or to your taste. In public
address work, you usually don’t use reverb unless you are singing.
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